Contact + Booking
Hosting an Event?
Dr. Bruce is currently accepting engagements through 2023 and onward.
Since you have landed on this page, I assume you share my concerns, and that at least some of what I’m saying on this website resonates with your experiences. I would treasure an opportunity to work with you and your organization in a shared effort to make our society and world a better home for our collective souls.
I am available for presentations, webinars, podcasts, panels, teach-ins, and endorsed consultations or interviews. I prefer not to work as a “lone ranger” (we have too much of that already), but in concert with collaboratives that are striving toward social, political, economic, racial, and environmental justice. The type of collective does not matter—academic or professional guild gatherings, business groups, religious congregations, non-profits, labor unions, activist organizations, and so on—as long as you are interested in or struggling to shape a more democratic society that embodies radical care.
Just enter your contact information on this page, and don’t forget to clarify the nature of your interest in the message section. I will reply to you as promptly as possible.
Dr. Bruce (standing, center left) was invited to address a group of white men organized as “The Council on the Way,” at its inaugural gathering in Washington, D.C., during October, 2019. The assembly was facilitated by noted Civil Rights Movement veteran Ruby Sales (seated, front center), who challenged these men to recognize the corrosive influence of racism upon their own hearts, and to articulate a “redemptive white male liberation theology” that could aid in the effort to dismantle a white supremacist and patriarchal system that reduces the humanity of everyone.