Ministry Week at Brite Divinity School
Ministry Week for 2024 - Ministry Week is a clergy conference co-sponsored by Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University and University Christian Church held each year in February. Ministry Week 2024 "Ministry in the Age of Empire" will be held February 5-7, 2024 at Broadway Baptist Church. Bruce was included in the lineup of presenters for this annual event. Click on the event to watch the recording
Interview with Modern Church, UK
Bruce has been approached by Alison Webster, General Secretary for Modern Church, “An international society promoting liberal Christian theology.” Modern Church was founded in 1898 as an Anglican society. It now has an international and ecumenical reach. Alison discovered his book and is excited about it.
Belmont 2-Part Speaking Engagement
On Wednesdays November 8 and 15, join us at 6:00 pm in room 124 or via Zoom for How Capitalism Captured and Corrupted the Gospel (and How Jesus Might Yet Save the Churches) presented by Bruce Rogers-Vaughn.
When Focusing on Inner Healing Becomes a Problem
Learn more about the event and register at this link:
Live Radio Interview On “Psychobabble.”
Live Interview on The Real Psychobabble
WXNA Nashville Live Radio
Talking Mental Health and Well-Being on Radio
“You Cannot Serve God and Money”: Today’s Global Debt System as a Moral and Pastoral Emergency
In this webinar, we will explore together how, in an era of “finance capitalism,” money is a social relationship of credit and debt that emerges from and reproduces social and material inequality and how the Church and its leaders might respond.
Money Talks, Money Walks: Financialization and Macroeconomics
Session Nine of the ‘Money Talks, Money Walks: Faith and Money’: a novel, twelve week virtual learning space for Vanderbilt professional degree students.
In this session, "Financialization and Macroeconomics" we will explore big economic trends such as the split between the labor market and the stock market, the financialization of global capital, and increasing economic inequality.
Duke Divinity School: Theology, Medicine, and Culture
Duke Divinity School: Theology, Culture, and Medicine sponsors seminars, speakers, and events throughout the year.
“Any particular faith—whether “religious” or not—has a responsibility to promote and enrich the common good..”
— Dr. Bruce Rogers-Vaughn